Weight Loss

Woman weighing herself on weight scale in bathroom

3 Steps to Lose Weight Post Menopause

One of the worst times of a woman’s life is when she suddenly gains weight after hitting menopause.

It just happens quickly and the woman seems to have no control.

Her diet hasn’t changed and she exercises.

Yet, the pounds sit.

Women try diet after diet.

They try liposuction.

Post-menopausal women will do nearly anything to get rid of the weight but it seems hopeless.

Yet, doctors and nutritionists say there is hope.

Those trying to lose weight after menopause can do three things to improve their odds at success, according to doctors and dietitians.

Create a Plan

No one likes dieting, so don’t diet. Instead, create a plan that you can live with over a long period.

Those who like what they are eating will stick to a plan much better than those who restrict themselves.

Add more fruits and vegetables and reduce junk food and sugars.

Allow yourself a small treat daily or a larger one weekly.

Targeted Exercise

Most post menopausal women gain weight around the mid-section and that can be challenging.

You should be exercising regularly anyway, like walking, running or swimming, and that can be great for
overall health.

However, you will also want to target problem areas with specific daily exercises to reduce inches.

Go to Bed On Time

Women don’t realize this but not getting enough sleep inhibits weight loss.

Many stay up after husbands and kids go to bed to get online, watch their favorite show or finish up with chores that there wasn’t enough time for during the day.

That is bad for your health and weight loss.

Get eight hours of sleep a night.

A Word About Hormones

Women lose a lot of hormones after menopause.

Hormone therapy is an option but most doctors don’t recommend it for weight loss.

Hormone therapy comes with risks.

Doctors state that proper eating and regular exercise are much better and healthier options.

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