
How to Tell if your Hairline is Receding?

A lot of men are having this problem in their 30s or even in their early 20s. Patterned baldness is something you cannot completely avoid because it has something to do with genes.

In fact, studies show that 16% of men aged 18 to 49 have male pattern hair loss. If you are worried that you are part of this statistic, you came to the right place.

What is a receding hairline?

Hairlines come in all shapes and patterns and there is no such thing as a normal hairline. If your hairline is moving or if you are losing hair continuously, that is a sign that your hairline is receding.

But don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that you are going bald anytime soon or will get bald at all. A receding hairline is just a sign that you are getting more mature.

It just turns out that some people’s hairlines recede earlier than others.

Signs of a receding hairline

Some of the signs that show that your hairline is receding are:

  • Seeing photos that are evidence that your hairline is not in the same place it used to be. If you need solid proof to see if your hairline is receding, you can check old photos of yourself and compare them in front of a mirror.
  • If you are shedding more hair than normal, that could also be a sign of male pattern baldness. Shedding hair is normal, but if it looks more excessive than your typical hair fall, it could be a sign.
  • Having an asymmetrical hairline is also a common sign of male pattern baldness. If you notice that your hairline is uneven, make sure you get on top of things by changing your lifestyle to slow down the process.
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