
4 Ways to Get Your Sex Life Back in Sync

Over time, partners can come distant from each other and sex life can fall away from the greatness of the honeymoon phase. Job stress, family stress, and just the stress of life can pull couples attentions away from intimacy and a great sex life. 

If you fall into this category, here are some ways to get your sex life back on track.

1. Build Romance Outside of Sex

Romance doesn’t just happen in the bedroom. Building romance outside of the bedroom will lead to a strong bond between a couple. Some ideas are to take a vacation to get away from the stresses of life or take up a hobby together to spend more quality time together.

2. Plan

Our lives can get so out of whack with putting other things in life over our partner. A key to building back your sex life is planning set time to spend with your partner to build intimacy and planning time to have sex. Setting a planned time can be the motivation to get both you and your partner in the mood.

3. Be Patient and Put in the Work

As we know sex doesn’t just happen, both partners need to be in the right mindset. This can be a time consuming process, that could be an extra 5 minutes or take an entire day. Be patient and help your partner get into that mindset. If not, it could come off selfish and end up distancing your sex life even more. It could be as simple as cleaning the house, removing a stress from your partner, and most importantly foreplay.

4. Communicate With Your Partner

Speaking of foreplay, it can be difficult to know what your partner likes and doesn’t like. Over time this can change and if you don’t stay up to date, it can make getting your partner in the mood a hard process. Talk to your partner, find out what they like or don’t like. This will make the sex not just enjoyable for you, but also for your partner. 


To sum this all up, be intentional with your partner, set up time, put in work, and above all else communicate, and your sex life will continually improve.

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