The relationship between diabetes and sleep is an endless cycle. Diabetes affects sleeps, which then in turn affects diabetes and vice versa. What can we do to stop this cycle of one affecting the other? The relationships between Diabetes and Sleep We will start off with sleep first. Getting less than 7 hours of sleep … Continue reading How are Diabetes and Sleep Connected?
Tag Archives: sleep
Sleep Apnea Impacts Your Blood Pressure?
Sleep apnea, a significant disorder where your breathing stops and starts while you are sleeping, can increase your blood pressure. This pattern of breathing decreases the oxygen in your body (hypoxia) causing havoc with your circulatory system. A University of British Columbia Okanagan study of healthy males found “After just six hours of fluctuating oxygen … Continue reading Sleep Apnea Impacts Your Blood Pressure?
Protect Your Heart: Get Sleep
Your daily schedule is filled with family, work, electronic devices, and irregular meal times that all lead to stress. The presence of stress can make it difficult to sleep. You may have insomnia, sleep apnea, and other sleep related disorders. Unfortunately, lack of sleep is detrimental to your heart and may increase your need to … Continue reading Protect Your Heart: Get Sleep
3 Things to Know About Sleep Trackers
Do you have trouble sleeping? Consider tracking your sleeping habits with a tracker. Here’s what you should know: 1. Trackers collect data and watch for patterns Sleep trackers are available now in numerous electronics such as smartwatches, rings, headbands, wristbands, and armbands. They can even be found in your bed as an in-bed sensor. They … Continue reading 3 Things to Know About Sleep Trackers
Three Digestive Problems That Steal Your Sleep
Gastroesophageal reflux, peptic ulcer disease, or irritable bowel syndrome can keep you from getting a good night’s rest. If you are not getting eight hours of sleep regularly because of a digestive condition, it is time to focus on treating their symptoms so you can get some much-needed sleep. Take a look at some of … Continue reading Three Digestive Problems That Steal Your Sleep
Not Getting Enough Sleep? Restless Leg Syndrome Could Be to Blame
Sensations in your legs, throbbing or twitching that begins when you start to rest in the evening may be symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome. You might find some relief after you walk or jiggle your legs for some time, but if these problems are keeping you up all night, it is time to find out … Continue reading Not Getting Enough Sleep? Restless Leg Syndrome Could Be to Blame
Top Sleep Issues Unique to Men
Let’s face it. A great night of sleep changes everything. When you get 8 hours of sleep, you have more focus, more stamina, more creativity, more resilience. Sleep makes you a more patient family member and a more astute business person. But there are several sleep issues that stand in the way of this for … Continue reading Top Sleep Issues Unique to Men
How Much Sleep Do Men Really Need?
Men are often portrayed as macho characters who do not need much sleep, but if the truth were known, they need a lot. Life tends to get in the way, with stressful jobs and changes like marriage, new babies, and divorces. Elderly parents and other commitments take time away, and sleep is the one thing … Continue reading How Much Sleep Do Men Really Need?
Top 4 Reasons Men Don’t Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is the magical elixir that everyone needs and no one seems to get enough of. With work schedules, family time, and trying to fit in time to work out, enjoy a hobby, or hang out with a friend, sleep is the most likely candidate to get pushed aside. Most adult men do not get … Continue reading Top 4 Reasons Men Don’t Get Enough Sleep
6 Things Men Don’t Know About Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a potentially fatal disease that affects men more than women, and is often triggered by obesity. Sleep apnea occurs when a man stops breathing while he sleeps. This can happen dozens of times a night, and certainly affects the quality of a man’s waking hours. Men end up like zombies who have … Continue reading 6 Things Men Don’t Know About Sleep Apnea