New findings indicate that there may be a strong correlation between erectile dysfunction (ED) and diabetes in terms of genetics. This goes beyond previous observational evidence that linked the two. The new study on erectile dysfunction and diabetes A team of researchers from the UK looked at data from more than 220,000 men from three … Continue reading Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetes Linked Genetically
Tag Archives: diet
Best Foods to Give You Energy
Don’t reach for an energy drink when you need to refuel. Try these foods instead.
Avoid memory loss by eating fruits and vegetables
Concerned about memory loss? Eating more fruits and vegetables may be all it takes to protect your brain. Research on memory and diet A team of researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health looked at the data from a 26-year study that followed 27,842 men. The men had answered questions about food … Continue reading Avoid memory loss by eating fruits and vegetables
Everyone May Benefit From Low-Gluten Diet
A new study indicates that even people who aren’t allergic to gluten can benefit from a low-gluten diet. How a low-gluten diet helps the body A team of researchers at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark held a randomized trial of 60 healthy adults. None … Continue reading Everyone May Benefit From Low-Gluten Diet
4 Subtypes of Obesity Identified
Most people know that obesity brings with it a lot of health issues, including increased risk factors for type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. But new research indicates that there are four subtypes of obesity, making it even more difficult to treat with one single approach. New research on obesity Analyzing … Continue reading 4 Subtypes of Obesity Identified
7 High-fat Foods You Don’t Need to Avoid
High-fat foods are not necessarily your enemy. Your body needs fat to help with things like memory, hormone function and nutrient absorption. High-fat foods also contribute to a feeling of fullness and they can slow down the digestion of carbohydrates. The key is to understand which high-fat foods (such as those containing polyunsaturated fats and … Continue reading 7 High-fat Foods You Don’t Need to Avoid
Natural Pigment May Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk
A new study has found that the pigment found in some fruits and vegetables may help decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Research from Northumbria University in the UK found that when ingested in high quantities, anthocyanin, the pigment that gives produce its red, purple and blue color, reduced the risk of developing coronary heart … Continue reading Natural Pigment May Lower Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Just One Energy Drink May Harm Blood Vessels
Energy drinks can feel like a life-saver for mid-day slumps or late-night deadlines. But a new study has found that even one single energy drink could harm your blood vessels’ function. The Study on Energy Drinks For many men, reaching for a jolt of caffeine from a sport drink is a regular coping method for … Continue reading Just One Energy Drink May Harm Blood Vessels
Eating Organic Produce May Lower Cancer Risk
Can eating organic foods really lower your risk of cancer? A new study seems to point to “yes,” at least for produce. And as you’ll read, “produce” doesn’t just include the standard fruits and vegetables. A study on cancer and organic food A team of researchers took data from the French NutriNet-Sante cohort, which included … Continue reading Eating Organic Produce May Lower Cancer Risk
Replacing Dairy in Your Diet
For men who are lactose intolerant or just trying to cut back on or avoid dairy products in their diet, there are plenty of alternatives. Here are some dairy-free options worth trying. Alternatives to cow’s milk If you’re using to pouring a cup of whole milk on your cereal but are ready to give dairy … Continue reading Replacing Dairy in Your Diet