When you think of protein, do you think of vegetables? Most of us probably hear “protein” and think of meat, cheese, eggs or even tofu. But some plants contain beneficial amounts of this essential nutrient. Here are some to add to your diet. 1. Asparagus One cup has 3 g of protein. Rich in vitamin … Continue reading Which Vegetables Are High in Protein?
Tag Archives: diet
Boost Your Good Cholesterol With These Tips
So, your doctor wants you to increase your “good” cholesterol? More formally known as high-density lipoprotein, HDL takes cholesterol from your arteries to the liver to be used or excreted. When your body has high levels of good cholesterol, you’ll benefit from its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Although genetics do play a role, there are … Continue reading Boost Your Good Cholesterol With These Tips
Friend or Foe: A Diabetics Study Guide To Healthy Eating
Diabetics have to be selective when it comes to diet. The “friends” in this study guide are recommended for any diabetics’ diet and the “foes” are not entirely off-limits but they should be used in moderation. Drinks Read the labels and watch what you are choosing to put into your body. The risk-reward may not … Continue reading Friend or Foe: A Diabetics Study Guide To Healthy Eating
The Benefits of Molasses
Derived from crushed sugar beets or sugar cane, molasses is a byproduct of the sugar-making process. The thick syrup can range in color, sweetness and density, as well as vitamins and minerals. Although its sugar content is very high, it may be a healthier alternative if you’re going to eat sugar anyway. Health benefits Although … Continue reading The Benefits of Molasses
How Love Affects Your Brain
When we’re in romantic relationships, neurobiological changes can affect our brains, causing certain areas to light up when viewed with imaging technology. Research also shows that some regions of the brain appear to deactivate when we’re in love. Here are some highlights of what researchers have found. Changes in the brain In a UK study … Continue reading How Love Affects Your Brain
Is a Fruitarian Diet Healthy?
Have you heard of fruitarians? They are people who eat (mostly) only raw fruit for all their meals and snacks. Although some do also eat nuts, seeds and raw vegetables, true fruitarians usually get between 70% and 80% of their calories from fruit. Here’s what you need to know about fruitarian diets. Fruits considered vegetables … Continue reading Is a Fruitarian Diet Healthy?
Understanding the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet
Men who suffer from autoimmune disorders may benefit from trying the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet, which aims to reduce inflammation, fatigue, pain and other symptoms. This elimination diet involves cutting certain foods out of your diet for weeks to note if there are any benefits to your health. The AIP diet is similar to the … Continue reading Understanding the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet
Low FODMAP Diet for IBS
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the gastrointestinal disorder that is characterized by bloating, gas, diarrhea or constipation, indigestion and other bowel problems, has its own dietary plan: the Low FODMAP Diet. What is a Low FODMAP Diet? The Low FODMAP Diet is a temporary and restrictive three-phase plan that includes elimination, reintroduction and maintenance. The acronym … Continue reading Low FODMAP Diet for IBS
Study: The Keto Diet May Help Epilepsy
There’s new research showing that the keto diet may not only reduce the number of seizures for people with epilepsy but also stop them altogether for some. In addition, scientists found that the keto diet appears to be especially effective for children who have a type of epilepsy that doesn’t respond to medical treatment. Drug-resistant … Continue reading Study: The Keto Diet May Help Epilepsy
Study: Low-fat Diets May Reduce Testosterone
Although there’s new evidence that low-fat diets might decrease serum testosterone in men, don’t go rushing out to grab some fries quiet yet. The study has yet to prove whether the reduction is clinically meaningful and the potential benefits of a low-fat diet may far outweigh a slight reduction in serum testosterone for men who … Continue reading Study: Low-fat Diets May Reduce Testosterone