It may be hard to overcome the myth that alcohol makes you want sex more but the truth is alcohol decreases sex drive and performance in both men and women. Studies show that a couple of drinks may cause arousal but that doesn’t equate to positive activity in the bedroom. A significant amount of alcohol … Continue reading Alcohol Hurts Sex Drive
Tag Archives: alcohol
Can You Drink With Gout?
The pain associated with gout can be extreme. Attacks can come on quickly and can stick around. This inflammatory arthritic condition is caused by the buildup of uric acid in the body. The build-up turns the acid into crystals that make it painful for joints, usually in the toes and feet, to move. Certain foods … Continue reading Can You Drink With Gout?
Health Risks of Alcohol Decrease After 50
A surprising new study points out that almost 40% of alcohol consumption-caused death happen before age 50. If that’s true, it makes sense that previous studies of the risks of alcohol (often done on people over age 50) couldn’t account for those under 50 who had died, meaning they could be flawed. Previous studies have … Continue reading Health Risks of Alcohol Decrease After 50
Month Without Alcohol Boosts Health
What happens if you give up alcohol for a month? We’ve got the lowdown on new research.
Anxiety During a Hangover May Cause Hangxiety
Shy people are more likely to experience anxiety during a hangover, which may also signal a higher risk of alcohol dependence.
Alcohol Use Disorder Profiles by Age
How much alcohol is too much? If you take the clinical route, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders can offer insight. Deciphering alcohol use disorder According to the manual, if the patient meets two of 11 criteria during a 12-month period, they are considered to have alcohol use disorder (AUD). More broadly, AUD … Continue reading Alcohol Use Disorder Profiles by Age
Taking Lexapro? Avoid Consuming Alcohol
If you take Lexapro, the brand name for the antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication escitalopram, it’s recommended that you not consume alcohol. Why alcohol and Lexapro don’t mix There are a few reasons you shouldn’t drink alcohol if you’re taking Lexapro. First, alcohol is a depressant, so it could counteract all the work Lexapro is doing … Continue reading Taking Lexapro? Avoid Consuming Alcohol
Warning Signs and Symptoms of Oral Cancer
If you chew tobacco or smoke, drink heavily, have human papillomavirus (HPV) or spend a lot of time in the sun without sunscreen, you’re more likely to develop oral cancer. Your risk increases with age (the average age of diagnosis is 62) and being male doubles your risk. Oral cancer can develop on the tissues … Continue reading Warning Signs and Symptoms of Oral Cancer
How Sleep is Affected by Alcohol
For men who have trouble falling asleep, reaching for a glass of alcohol might seem like a good way to relax. But a new study that’s come out from the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering at Tampere University of Technology in Finland found that alcohol may have a negative impact on sleep quality. How … Continue reading How Sleep is Affected by Alcohol
No Alcohol Consumption Better Than a Little
A study on the effects of alcohol on health looked at data from 1990-2016 in 195 countries. The research found that alcohol was the main cause of 12% of deaths for men between ages 15 and 49. They also found that in 2016, alcohol caused nearly 3 million deaths around the world. From two drinks … Continue reading No Alcohol Consumption Better Than a Little