Sexual Health

Brunette woman sitting on bed

Women and Low Sex Drives

Most women are annoyed by not overly concerned about a diminished sex drive but they should be.

A lot of women think the tempered urge for sex is just a by-product of post menopause.

However, a lowered sex drive could be an indicator of a more serious disease.

Diseases to Watch For

Lowered sex drives in women can be a symptom of many non-sexual diseases including:

  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Coronary artery disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Neurological diseases

Other Causes

A decreased libido could also be caused by prescription medications.

The ones that appear to be most troublesome for women are antidepressants.

They are also called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and they lower a number of things in your body to keep you calm and your mood stable.

Unfortunately, the side effect is also a lowered sex drive.

Lifestyle changes, fatigue and surgery also play a role in a decreased libido for women.

Doctors tell women to avoid overconsumption of alcohol and to avoid all street drug use along with tobacco products to help boost their sexual desire.

Women who are going through hormone changes, have a change in their psychological well being or are
going through relationship issues are also going to have a reduced libido.

It’s common to have a lowered desire after pregnancy and while breastfeeding but that should change as the baby is weaned.

When to See a Doctor

Women who notice a sudden decrease in their sex drive should make an appointment with their doctor.

Some symptoms to be aware of are having zero interest in any type of sexual activity, rarely having sexual thoughts and having an overall concern about your lack of sexual desire.

Your doctor may find a simple solution like changing your medication or putting you on hormone therapy.

However, it’s good to know for sure there is no underlying illness causing your lack of sexual drive.

It may be embarrassing to talk about this with your doctor but it’s an important issue to discuss for your health and your happiness.

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