Sexual Health

Will Male Birth Control Be a Thing?

Will a male birth control pill be in your future? Estimates suggest that within the next ten years one will be available for men. This birth control pill would be used to stop the production of sperm, it will not prevent you from sexually transmitted infections. Women have been the person of focus in regards to birth control in the past. Condoms (85% effective), vasectomies, and abstinence are the only birth control right now that a man can be in control of that will prevent pregnancies. 

Birth Control Pills

Taken daily, the dimethandrolone undecanoate (DMAU) pill suppresses two male hormones, without causing low testosterone symptoms. After a 2018 study, Stephanie Page, from the University of Washington in Seattle, said, “Despite these incredibly low levels of testosterone, the men did not have symptoms of low testosterone. Because dimethandrolone is a modified form of testosterone, when we give the right dose of dimethandrolone, all those important secondary sexual characteristics in the man will be maintained in the body.” That is good news for men who are worried about the loss of their hair, deep voice, or muscle mass. 

Another pill, the 11-beta-MTDC reduces testosterone levels as well as two other hormones required for sperm production. 

Gels and Injections

A topical gel has had success in decreasing the amount of sperm in semen and is currently in phase 2 of testing. This gel can be applied anywhere on the body but is recommended to be rubbed on the shoulder. The study on the gel should be complete in 2022. 

India has developed an injectable birth control that can prevent sperm for up to 13 years. It is called RISUG (reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance) and is reversed with another injection. 

These new advances will allow men more choices when it comes to their method of birth control.

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