Sexual Health

Couple speaking to fertility doctor

When Should We Go to a Fertility Doctor?

Many couples try for years to get pregnant and it can be a frustrating experience when it doesn’t happen right away.

Things can be tried on your own to try to get pregnant but some will eventually want to consult a doctor.

What To Do First?

Those who support healthy pregnancies and babies state women should start looking at their health at least three months before they start trying to get pregnant.

Those with health conditions may need to take longer to prepare your body for a baby.

You also will want to keep your doctor in the loop well before you start trying.

Women who are looking to have a baby are typically advised to get on vitamins like folic acid a few months before they start trying.

Doctors also advise they start eating more nutritionally and continue with less strenuous exercise, if they
already are working out.

Those who aren’t exercising should start with some gentle exercise like walking as getting in the best possible shape you can be in prevents problems during pregnancy and helps to have the best pregnancy possible.

You should also cut out bad habits like smoking and consuming alcohol.

Talk to your doctor about continuing with prescription drugs and the risks involved.

When Should You Seek a Doctor?

That largely depends on the medical conditions of both you and your partner. Those who have chronic
conditions are medical issues should involve their family doctor from the beginning.

For most couples, you should try to get pregnant for one to two years without a successful pregnancy before talking to your doctor about it.

How Do You Know If There Could Be a Problem?

It is easier for women to know if they may have an issue getting pregnant than men because women have
obvious physical issues when it comes to reproduction.

They may have irregular periods or painful menstrual cycles.

For men, symptoms may be trouble ejaculating, trouble urinating, or a deformed testicle.

Some men who had accidents early in life may have vein issues preventing them from producing good sperm or carrying sperm well.

Both can take hormone tests, sperm count tests and other types of evaluations at the doctor’s office to see where they stand.

It’s best if both take evaluations when trying to get pregnant to get a clear picture of all the problems you may face.

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