Sexual Health

Penis shaped rock

What Are The Risks And Benefits Of Circumcision?

Circumcision is essential to most cultures, family traditions, and religions.

Some have it done after birth, others do it in their younger years.

There are several benefits of having your penis circumcised.

But it’s okay if you choose not to have it done as well.

Medical issues can also be the reason for circumcision or preventive health purposes.

It’s important to be aware of its benefits and risk factors.

Benefits and risks of circumcision

It’s more hygienic – A circumcised penis is easier to wash compared to uncircumcised penises.

For those of you who decided to stay uncircumcised, there are effective ways to wash it and it can be learned.

Lower risks for urinary tract infections – When it happens and is not prevented, it may lead to severe infection and may cause kidney problems in the future.

May prevent sexually-transmitted infections – It reduces the risk of having sexually transmitted infections such as HIV for circumcised men. Regardless, practicing safe sex is still necessary.

Reduce chances of penile problems – It may be difficult to pull back the foreskin if the penis is uncircumcised.

And if this happens, it may lead to inflammation.

Minimize risk of penile cancer – It can be prevented for circumcised men.

But no need to worry about this, because there’s a rare chance of experiencing cancer in the penis.

Who is it for?

There are many benefits of having it done, but it is still your preference if you want to proceed.

With proper hygiene and health care, the risk can be avoided whether you are circumcised or not.

You should also know that it cannot affect your sexual drive nor contribute to your fertility.

There are risks for some instances like premature babies, babies born with abnormalities of the penis, and if there are blood-clotting disorders.

It’s better to consult your doctor before you pursue this surgery. Otherwise, you are good to go.

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