Sexual Health

Bed couple intimate

What are the Disadvantages of Having Regular Sex

Many studies show that there are advantages to having regular sex, such as better cardiovascular health,
better sleep, and a long relationship.

However, if you are not careful, there can also be some disadvantages as well.

Here are some disadvantages of regular sex with many or one partner you might want to know about.

Urinary tract infections

Frequent sex with one or many partners can increase the chances of getting a UTI.

If you want to avoid this, you should practice proper hygiene and limit the frequency of sex to at least just once per day.

It may be challenging, especially for newer relationships at the ages of 18 to 24, but too much of anything is not good.

Chafing and discomfort

Friction from you and your partner’s bodies can cause chafing on your skin, and this would not only cause discomfort.

It can also cause skin cracks and give bacteria an easy way in your body, which increases the risk of infections.

Sexually transmitted infections

Getting STIs is definitely something that can happen if you are having sex with multiple partners.

The more often you have sex, the chances of getting or transmitting an STI increase.

If you want to avoid this, make sure you get regular STI testing and disclose the results to your partner.

Are there benefits to having regular sex?

Yes, there are many benefits to having regular sex like reducing blood pressure, boosting the immune system, stress relief, and many more.

However, regular means not too much.

If you cross the threshold, the implications stated above can happen.

Make sure to practice safe sex, rest, and practice proper hygiene to reduce the risks of getting sexually
transmitted diseases, especially if you and your partner have sex regularly or more frequently.

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