Sexual Health

Male female in bed intimate

Lifestyle Changes Can Improve Libido

No one has to live with a lack of a sex drive. Many try to find a pill or treatment to “cure” their libido problem but the issue may not require medical attention at all.

Many doctors suggest that you can make some simple lifestyle changes that will improve your libido.


Aerobic exercise does wonders for your sex drive!

Adding strength training will increase your stamina too.

Incorporating a regular exercise routine into your life will lift your mood and improve your body image.

All of that will help boost your sex drive.

After all, performance will be better if you’re happier and feel sexier.

Exercise will also help reduce stress, which is a mood killer.

Open Communication

Sometimes, a lack of intimacy occurs when a couple stops communicating.

While you may be tempted to talk about sex, communication includes a wide range of topics that lead to more emotional bonding.

That will lead to intimacy.

It is okay to talk about your likes and dislikes during sex too.

In fact, such talk may get both of you in the mood and prompt you to try new things.

Set Aside Time

One of the biggest problems couples have today regarding sex isn’t medical.

It’s time management.

Both spouses work, then come home to fix dinner, help kids with homework, and get them ready for bed.

You plop on the couch at 8:30 p.m. exhausted.

You have to make time for intimacy a priority or you will never get around to it.

That means setting an appointment to spend time alone in the bedroom.

Put the kids to bed early.

Ask a parent or sister to keep them for a night.

Make sex important to both of you.

Stop Bad Habits

Some people think bad habits, like drugs and alcohol, will put you in the mood for sex.

They may decrease your inhibitions but also decrease your sexual function.

Replace these habits to good habits like eating healthy and meditation.

Final Thoughts

There are many things about your body you can change or control with lifestyle changes.

Everyone may want a quick fix from a pill bottle but most significant changes happen when you decide to
improve your life.

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