If you no longer want to have children, a vasectomy or male sterilization method might be a good option for you. However, many men are wondering if it is the best method, and they also wonder if getting a vasectomy is safe.
For all your vasectomy questions, you came to the right place to find out everything you need to know, such as vasectomy safety, how it works, and more. But first, let’s answer the question,what is a vasectomy?
What is a vasectomy?
A vasectomy is a medical procedure that will prevent sperm from leaving the testicles, and as a result, the vas deferens that delivers the sperm from the testicles will be snipped or blocked.
Is it safe to get a vasectomy?
Studies state that a vasectomy is not associated with the increase in the mortality rate in men, meaning it does not have anything to do with getting prostate cancer and other diseases. With that being said,
a vasectomy is a quick procedure that is safe and will not lead to other diseases.
Although there are some risks, getting a vasectomy is a safe and easy procedure that usually only takes
minutes in the doctor’s office without going into an operating room.
Preparing for a vasectomy
Getting a vasectomy is a permanent way to not have any more kids, so make sure you are 100% sure before getting one. A vasectomy reduces the chances of reproducing to 1%, making it 99% effective most of the time.
The procedure takes only around 15 minutes. However, the recovery process will take longer and could last up to a few days. After getting a vasectomy, doctors will recommend you to stay at home and rest for a couple of days.
Is a vasectomy permanent?
If you decide that you want to have kids, a vasectomy is reversible, depending on the type of procedure. You can always ask your doctor whether you want to reverse the procedure before going through it just to make sure.