The root of your sexual misfires could be stress.
Multiple studies show that stress tends to deflate men’s libido and cause long-term issues with their sexual drive.
First, men are more anxious and stressed than ever.
A study of 1,028 Australian men between 18 and 64 years old showed a significant rise in those who were
nervous, hopeless, restless, depressed, and worthless.
Many said everything was an effort.
Stress Can Increase Sex Drive
The common thought is that stress increases sex drives in men because stress creates a craving that comes with intimacy and some want it more because of a “wanting what you can’t have” emotion.
Some stress may send men back to their primary instinct for sex to release stress or assume control.
Stress Tends to Reduce Sex Drive
As positive as that analysis is, other studies are showing that men involved with stress tend to have a reduction in their libidos.
That is also backed up by studies on physical health that indicate stress affects men physically as well as mentally, therefore reducing sex drive.
Being upset or worried keeps you from longing for sex.
You can also have a “busy brain” which prevents you from feeling aroused.
You can’t be aroused if you can’t relax.
A Look at Fight or Flight
Everyone in a stressful situation comes to a “fight or flight” response.
This results in the primary stress hormone, cortisol, flooding your body.
This can have a terrible effect from high blood sugar to inhibiting the immune system.
Cortisol also stops the flow of the primary male sex hormone, testosterone.
This can cause a lack of sexual desire.
There is no age where men won’t feel stress.
Younger men are stressed about their careers or relationships.
Middle-aged men may be dealing with professional or personal stress like being a father or making enough money to support a family.
Older men over 50 are anxious about aging, retirement, or illnesses of parents or their partner.
All of these stresses can cause libido problems.
Learning how to work out stress will likely have a positive result on your sexual drive.