More research is showing that fertility issues can affect men as much as women.
Almost 50 percent of infertility cases are because of malefactors and many of those are because of free radicals.
Many reasons exist for sperm dysfunction, but more research is pointing to free radicals as one of the bigger problems.
This can cause something called reactive oxygen species, which can be elevated as much as 80 percent in men with infertility.
What Causes Free Radicals?
Free radicals can be affected by the environment, chemicals in foods and any number of other things.
Men who have an over abundance of free radicals will not have any major symptoms indicating it.
However, it can affect both the number and quality of sperm.
Some free radicals are needed to create normal sperm but having too many inhibits proper sperm function.
It is important to balance free radicals out with antioxidants.
An imbalance where free radicals dominate causes oxidative stress, which affects both the amount of semen and the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg.
The Solution
Surprisingly, the solution to balancing free radicals is increasing antioxidant intake.
This can be done in your diet but can also be done with a shot at the doctor’s office if you are trying to conceive.
Foods high in antioxidants include fruits like blueberries, cherries, and pineapple.
Incorporating these types of foods in your diet could help your body balance free radicals.
While eating these foods won’t immediately change a conception outcome, they can help improve your reproductive health long-term.
Meanwhile, your doctor can help identify where you are on the free radical chart and offer medical solutions too.
One of those solutions is getting shots. Typically, this isn’t done unless you are trying to conceive. It typically is a part of a complete plan to reduce free radicals.
Reducing your free radicals is one way to increase your chances at conceiving.