Sexual Health

happy couple in bed libido

Does Cold Weather Affect Libido?

Some men are finding they aren’t feeling in their groove during the winter and it’s not because all the family’s coats are on the bed. While you can’t blame a low libido completely on Mother Nature, the colder weather can affect sex drives in both positive and negative ways.

For instance, Dec. 11 is consistently the number one day for conception if you believe the data. However, there are a couple of reasons why men aren’t feeling the love during winter months.

Lower testosterone

Doctors state men’s testosterone levels are highest in the fall. It starts dropping some as winter sets in and men may be feeling the shift. Women, for the record, have some of the same problems with estrogen as it drops in the winter too.

Less sunlight

The amount of sunlight our bodies get can affect us in two ways. First, it also means lower Vitamin D levels. Vitamin D helps in testosterone production so less of it means a further drop in the hormone.

More clothes

It’s easier to get aroused when you and your partner are in skimpy swimwear and in a pool. It’s a little more challenging when both of you are in coats, gloves, hats, and long johns. Fortunately, this can be overcome with a nice fire in the fireplace and a blanket on the floor. It’s cold outside so go with it.


Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a thing. People tend to get more blue in the winter, particularly around the holidays. Whether it’s you or your partner, this type of depression is a sexual mood killer.

It could be bad enough to see your doctor but most people don’t experience the severe form of it. Instead, try to find winter experiences that lift both of your moods. Building a history together will help with intimacy and could lead to better things in the bedroom.


You aren’t going to be able to change winter. It comes every year. The best you can do is outsmart it with some strategies that help your libido. If it comes down to it, you can always book a couple of tickets to Cancun to give you a winter jumpstart.

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