The good news is, it’s very rare for your penis to get stuck in your partner’s vagina. The bad news is, it’s possible.
Not just a myth
The clinical term for getting your penis stuck in a vagina during sex is called
penis captivus.
The main reason penis captivus has been thought by many to be a myth is because there are so few cases and most are anecdotal (vs. a case report). This may be because the phenomenon is so temporary (and embarrassing!) that few ever end up calling an ambulance for ride to the hospital.
How it happens
During regular intercourse, your penis fills with blood to become erect and your partner’s vagina lubricates and relaxes its walls to prepare for penetration. It’s normal for the walls of the vagina to expand and contract during sex, especially during a woman’s orgasm. In rare cases, however, these contractions may be so strong that they latch onto the penis, making it nearly impossible for the man and woman to separate. There’s also something called
which involves involuntary spasm in the pelvic floor muscles.
Typically, the contractions will end and the walls of the vagina will relax and release the penis. The blood will flow away from the penis and it will shrink and soften. In other words, if your penis does get stuck during sex, just wait a minute or two and things should go back to normal.
In the rare occasion it happens, consider these tips:
Don’t try to force your penis out as it can hurt both of you.
Don’t try to pry open the vagina.
Try not to panic. Stress can increase muscular tension, lengthening the time your penis may be stuck in your partner’s vagina.
Take deep breaths and attempt to remain calm.
Don’t be afraid to make light of the situation! Joking about it may help relieve the tension.