Sexual Health

Couple unhappy bedroom

Can TV Ruin Your Sex Life?

Those who want more sex should learn to turn off the television.

That’s the result from studies around the world.

The odd part of the conclusion is that it isn’t what we’re watching that is ruining sex lives around the globe.

It’s how much time we’re spending watching it.

A 2018 study of four million people across five continents and in 80 countries showed that those who own
televisions are having 6% less sex than the previous week.

Apparently, these people rather watch television at night than have sex with their partner.

Why Choose TV Over Sex?

Nicholas Wilson, associate economics professor at Reed College in Portland, Ore., said findings show people prefer the companionship of electronics to that of humans.

The study, analyzed by Wilson and Andrienne Lucas from the Lerner College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware, said the problem of less sex is likely to worsen once smartphones are included.

This study didn’t include things like social media and streaming videos on smartphones.

The study focuses on those in low to middle-income countries before 2010 before everyone had smartphones, the authors said.

They said the smartphone could be “the real sex-life killer.”

Too Much Streaming

Studies show American are watching, listening, reading or interacting with electronic media more than 11 hours a day.

That is an hour and a half more than in 2014.

Another study from the United Kingdom shows electricity usage up later into the evening, indicating that is when people are going online or streaming their television to watch their favorite shows.

That means they aren’t having sex but opting to relax with television or the internet.

Bringing Devices to Bed

More people are also bringing their smartphones and tablets to bed with them and that can also destroy the mood, according to Cambridge University statistician David Speigelhalter.

He said, statistically, people are having less sex.

Most people in sexually active ages said they were having sex four times a month in 1990 verses three ties in 2010.

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