Sexual Health

Can Men Have Dry Orgasms?

The technical name for an orgasm without ejaculation is called

orgasmic anejaculation

, although many men just refer to it as a “dry orgasm.” There a few reasons a man won’t release semen during an orgasm; some are temporary, but others are permanent.

For the most part, dry orgasms are harmless, although they can affect your ability to have kids. Here are a mix of causes that could be behind dry orgasms.

Low testosterone

As men get older, it’s common for their testosterone levels to decrease. This can cause a reduced ejaculation.

Nerve damage

If you’ve experienced a spinal injury or other condition, such as diabetes, cancer or multiple sclerosis, your dry orgasms could be the result of nerve damage.


A blockage

When a man’s urethra or ejaculatory duct is blocked, it can cause dry orgasms.


Although it’s rare, some men have a genetic abnormality that prevents them from producing enough semen to ejaculate.

Medical procedures

Some medical treatments and surgical procedures can cause dry orgasms. Among others, these can include:

  • Remove of the gladder, prostate or lymph nodes
  • Laser prostate surgery
  • Cystectomy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Transurethral microwave therapy

Retrograde orgasm

It’s easy to confuse dry orgasms with retrograde orgasms because neither produces visible ejaculate during orgasm.

The difference is that with retrograde orgasms, the ejaculate goes into the bladder rather than out through the penis. This is because the bladder doesn’t stay closed during retrograde orgasms, as it normally would with a typical orgasm. Instead, the backflow of semen into the bladder causes urine to look cloudy.

These retrograde orgasms can be caused by certain medical procedures involving the prostate, as well as alpha-blockers and other medications.

Treating dry and retrograde orgasms

Most of the time, treating dry or retrograde orgasms means addressing the root cause of them. That could be reducing or switching medications, or trying a medical treatment or surgical procedure to keep the bladder closed during orgasm.

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