Men with high blood pressure have a medication that can help both their blood pressure and sexual performance.
Those who haven’t considered this option before may now have new hope.
Part of the problem, according to doctors, is that men will give up taking their blood pressure medication in order to have sex.
That is unhealthy and could be dangerous, especially for men at risk of heart problems.
One drug can resolve that problem because it works on both lowering blood pressure and helping men reach their top sexual performance.
The Science Shows It
Studies done nearly 20 years ago show that 88 percent of the men in the study had improvement in at least one area of sexual performance after taking the drug losartan.
Additionally, those citing impotence took a dramatic drop from 75.3 percent down to 11.8 percent.
The drug, though not always talked about in terms of sexual function, could be a solution for men who quit taking their blood pressure drug because it interferes with their sexual function.
Losartan not only has been proven to control blood pressure but also improves sexual function because of how it helps circulation in the penis.
The study, done at the University of Valencia School of Medicine and Hospital Marina Alta in Spain, had 82 men in the study who were compared to a control group.
The results were conclusive regarding the drug’s effectiveness.
How It Works
Doctors said the drug may help repair blood vessels in the penis damaged by high blood pressure and also helps the brain function in messaging.
Both help in reviving sexual function.
Men who have high blood pressure don’t have to choose between controlling it and their sexual function.
This drug enables them to have both safely and should be discussed with a doctor as a possibility.