Fertility is always a sensitive subject because both men and women are conditioned to think they are unusual or somehow inadequate if there are fertility issues.
Our society emphatically ties the ability to have children with being a complete man or woman.
The first thing to realize as you start your journey to have a baby is that you are not unusual, weird, or less than a man if you can’t get your partner pregnant right away.
One out of six couples has fertility problems. One out of three cases is due to solely the male’s fertility
problems. You are not alone.
You should seek medical treatment to alleviate other medical conditions affecting your fertility.
However, you can also empower yourself to boost your system by making some sensible changes in your life.
There are five things you can do to boost your fertility chances.
1. Use D-aspartic acid supplements.
D-aspartic acid (D-AA) is an amino acid made into a dietary supplement. D-AA is something that appears in specific glands, including the testicles.
It also appears in sperm and semen. Scientists think D-AA affects male fertility because levels of it are lower in infertile men than fertile men.
2. Get regular exercise.
Regular exercise is associated with higher testosterone levels as well as higher quality semen in men
compared to inactive men, according to scientific studies.
However, doctors state men should keep exercise moderate and not participate in excessive workouts as they will reduce testosterone.
You need to also take zinc to lower the risk.
3. Take Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is good for you anyway as it boosts your immune system but some evidence suggests it also can help with male fertility.
Vitamin C combats the harmful effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
High ROS levels lead to oxidative stress, which is when the body is overwhelmed with negative things like
disease, unhealthy habits, environmental pollution, or the effects of aging.
There isn’t a magical way to suddenly end infertility issues and get pregnant.
You can take the knowledge and apply it to improve how your body functions.