Even if you’re not super romantic, your partner may crave more intimacy than you’re currently providing. It might sound like something a couple’s counselor would advise but making an effort to connect with your partner or be romantic (not necessarily sexual) can go a long way to solidifying your bond and building trust. Consider these tips to help you build intimacy in your relationship.
Speak up about what’s bothering you.
We’re famous for bottling up our feelings when something is bugging us. Sometimes we let it ride but other times it comes out later. Silence benefits no one, and talking about a problem can often help you find a solution or, at the very least, let your partner know you’re trying to share why you’re hurt or mad.
Be an active listener.
Being a good listener isn’t always about providing a solution. Sometimes it just means hearing how they feel about something without telling them what they “should have” or “shouldn’t have” done.
Do your fair share.
Don’t wait for your partner to ask for help or worse; wait for her to have a mental breakdown or illness from stress. Oftentimes, if you’re at work, you don’t see how much your partner does all day. That could include a full-time job, as well as childrearing, preparing meals, laundry, dishes, paying bills, taking care of the pets, running errands and dealing with school-related issues, among other things. Do your part to pick up the slack because it’s partly your responsibility; not because you’re “helping” with your partner’s workload.
Don’t discredit your partner’s feelings.
Just because YOU think it’s silly that she’s mad about something that happened doesn’t mean it’s silly. Try validating your partner’s feelings instead of making fun of them or discounting them.
5. Be chivalrous.
Open doors for her, pull out her chair at a restaurant, offer your coat and stand up for her if someone is rude to her. Just because she can do these things herself doesn’t mean you can’t be chivalrous.