It’s no secret that sex is a big deal to men. Every advertiser since the beginning of time has used that fact to sell cigarettes, beer, cologne, and…anything else they wanted to sell! From teen boys never getting what they want in the back seat of a car, to more sophisticated gentlemen wining and dining a beautiful woman, there is actually more to what men think about sex than the advertisers would have you believe.
1.They are always thinking about getting you in bed
Well, the advertisers were actually right about one thing. Men really DO think about sex all the time. Research shows that they imagine sex about twice as much as women do. This includes fantasies with real life lovers as well as celebrity crushes and women they would love to get their hands on.
2. They want a true love
Men want sex in a loving monogamous relationship. Despite all the fantasizing, men really do want to be in a committed relationship based on love before they end up in the bedroom.
3. Men want women to make the first move
He wants you to heat things up. Men continually report that one thing that turns them on the most is having women initiating sex.
4. He is interested in your happiness in bed
He may want you to start it, but once you get rolling, he really does want to make you happy. Men get a bad wrap for wanting to pleasure themselves, but that is not the case. He really wants to rock your world.
5. Stress kills his mood too
Stress can wreak havoc with his libido. People tend to think that men are always ready to go, but financial worries, troubles at work, and even the stress of the daily grind can make your man less interested in sex. Slow down, turn down the lights, and initiate a slow game of foreplay in order to de-stress him before the main event. You will both thank you!
The advertisers don’t know everything about men’s libidos. If the truth were known, most men want to have sex with a woman they love deeply, they want to make her happy, and they want to blow off stress in the bedroom!