Sexual Health

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5 Powerful Sex Tips for Men

A lot of men are interested in improving their own and their partner’s pleasure during sex. But sometimes this leads to anxiety instead of helping with your goal. It’s important to keep in mind that worrying and maintaining erections is a key factors in performance anxiety.

The following tips can help improve your overall performance.

1. Try doing something new

Sex can become a routine if you’ve been with one partner for a long time. Try a new sexual position or a new location or talk about sexual fantasies.

Doing activities outside of the bedroom can also help you to feel more connected. Activities such as cooking together, seeing a new band, hiking, going to a museum, and maybe trying a new sport.

2. Learn the start-stop technique

Stop every time ejaculation feels imminent, then take deep breaths and slowly start again. Delay your
ejaculation for as long as you want. This trains your body to feel more comfortable even during intense sexual activity.

3. Focus on foreplay

Foreplay includes kissing, touching, and oral sex. Making foreplay last improves the sexual experience for both parties. It may be especially important for women.

According to studies, around 18 percent of women experience orgasms during intercourse. This is very little compared to the 36.6 percent of women saying that clitoral stimulation is necessary for orgasm.

4. Quit smoking

Smoking cigarettes is a leading cause of heart-related problems that cause erectile dysfunction. Thirteen studies regarding smoking and sexual performance found that quitting smoking reduces erectile dysfunction and improves sexual performance.

5. Manage your anxiety and stress

Erectile dysfunction is often due to anxiety and stress. Counseling can help you cope with the stress of ED. It can also help to have relationship counseling so that partners can openly talk about sex without feeling ashamed.

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