Sexual Health

Couple being intimate in bed

5 Positive Effects of Regular Sex

Sex, just like any other physical activity, has many positive effects.

Doing the deed regularly can have benefits to your skin, mental health, physical health, and more.

So in case you were wondering how regular sex can help you and your partner, here are some of the best benefits we curated just for you. 

1. Improved heart health

Healthy and regular sex is good for your heart.

It is no surprise that sex can help you improve your cardiovascular health after all, sex is a physical activity.

A study shows that sex can, in fact, improve your heart health even more so than other physical activities like running. 

2. Regulate blood pressure

Having sex regularly can improve and regulate your blood pressure and stress levels.

It raises endorphins and other hormones that help boost your mood to relieve stress, ultimately regulating your blood pressure. 

During stressful events, there is a tendency to raise your blood pressure, which can result in fatalities, especially for people who are experiencing heart problems.

Lucky for you, you can maintain your stress levels with regular sex. 

3. Pain relief

Sex is not only a natural stress reliever but it is also a pain reliever.

A study from Stanford University shows that even looking at a photo of your partner can already ease pain, and topping it off with an orgasm will improve your pain management.  

4. Better sleep

Because sex is similar to running and other physical exercises, having sex regularly can encourage deep sleep.

It can also increase your desire for more sex, which is excellent if your bedroom activity has been a little bit dull lately. 

5. Reduce depression

If you are feeling depressed, having regular sex is a natural way of improving your mood.

Depression is a serious issue that you can prevent by having sex regularly.

Just make sure to practice safe sex and moderation. 

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