Did you know that you may be able to raise your testosterone levels just by eating certain foods? It’s true—some foods may help your body produce more of the hormone. Talk to your doctor about increasing your intake of the following foods.
You probably don’t want to drink onion juice, but it is worth noting that a 2012 study on rats found that those who consumed fresh onion juice for 4 weeks saw significant increases in serum total testosterone levels.
A small study on healthy men found that extra-virgin olive oil not only boosted serum testosterone levels but also experienced an increase in luteinizing hormone. This hormone stimulates the testes to produce testosterone.
Zinc is so important for reproductive function and sperm health that men who are deficient can develop hypogonadism. This lack of testosterone production can cause impotence and/or delayed sexual maturation. It only makes sense then that oysters—which are higher in zinc than any other food—might help. Be sure to talk to your doctor about copper though, as it completes with zinc for absorption.
Ginger has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries and modern research seems to concur with some of the observational results. A 2012 study found that men who took ginger supplements daily for 3 months experienced a 17.7% increase in testosterone levels. In addition, a 2013 study showed that ginger increased testosterone in diabetic rats in just 30 days.
Although pomegranates have served as a symbol of sexual prowess and fertility for centuries, recent research seems to point to some truth in the fruit’s benefits. A 2012 study had men and women drink pomegranate juice for two weeks, during which they measured the testosterone in the participants’ saliva three times daily. They scientists found that both men and women experienced a 24% increase in salivary testosterone levels.