Sexual Health

Couple in bed intimate

5 Benefits of Having Regular Sex

Sex can be beneficial, not only for your pleasure but also to your health.

Having safe and regular sex with your partner can lower your risk of cancer, heart problems, it is good for your relationship, and it can even boost your well-being.

Here are 5 benefits of having regular sex that you should know about:

1. Good for the heart

Regular sex is just like any physical activity or exercise, meaning it can be potentially good for your heart health.

The ideal amount of doing 15-minute exercises is 5 times a week, meaning you can reap more heart benefits the more times you do it with your partner.

Just being aroused increases your heart rate to a good BPM.

And performing sexual intercourse maintains your heart beating at a good amount for a specific amount of time.

2. Lowers blood pressure and increases the lifespan

Regular sex can help you lower your blood pressure.

High blood pressure increases the risks of heart attack and stroke, so make sure you are having regular sex with your partner to live a long and healthy life.

3. Sex works as a pain reliever

Painkillers are not very ideal. Although they work in relieving you from pain, they are synthetic medicine that can have side effects in the future.

If you have a headache or experiencing body pain, having sex is the best trick in the book.

4.Relieves stress

Stress can be fatal. Experiencing a high amount of stress can cause all kinds of health problems.

Fortunately, you can reduce the risks of minor and major stress-related health issues by having regular sex.

5.Improves sleep

Over 35% of all Americans are experiencing sleep problems according to the CDC. And not having enough sleep can cause a lot of health complications.

If you or your partner are experiencing sleep disorders, regular sex can help you get better sleep, which will eventually boost your immune system.

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