Sexual Health

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4 Reasons Your Penis Stinks

When your penis smells like a musty attic, dead frog, or a rotten egg, it’s time to pay attention and see what’s happening. Cleary, you need to focus on what is causing the atrocious odor, but you need to see your physician for a treatment plan if you have an infection. 

1. Yeast infection 

A detestable odor can be caused by a yeast infection called Candida. Symptoms of the infection are itchiness and burning, swelling, redness, thick discharge, and painful urination. It can lead to a swollen penis.

Your medical provider will make a diagnosis and get you the correct medication for relief. The medications prescribed can be a topical lotion or an oral tablet.

2. Smegma stench 

Over time, dead cells and body fluids accumulate on your penis head and leave a white substance. Bacteria love the warmth and dead cells and grow there causing this nasty smell. 

Prevention steps include wearing clean underwear, regular showers, and washing the foreskin area. Use a mild soap and don’t scrub your manhood with a rough loofah. Dry with a soft towel. 

3. Urinary tract funk

Do you smell fishy? It could be a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Mayo Clinic points out that a “UTI is usually caused by Escherichia coli (E. coli), a type of bacteria commonly found in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.” 

Symptoms include pain and burning on urination, in addition to discolored (cloudy or pink-tinged) urine. Your medical provider will perform laboratory tests and prescribe you the correct medications. Make sure to wear a condom when having sexual relations.

4. Cruddy chlamydia

Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted infection, causes an abnormal smelly discharge. The discharge is white and looks like pus. Other symptoms you may notice are abdominal pain and burning on urination. 

Consult with your medical provider to obtain a correct diagnosis and optimum treatment with antibiotics. Use your condom, as STIs are preventable with one. 

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