
Healthier eating, healthier you!

It’s not hard to eat healthy. What is harder is to board the healthy train once you have gotten so far off track, but nothing is impossible. When my clients ask me how they can lose weight I usually give them some smart-ass comment like, “start smoking cigarettes” or “get a divorce” all of which I am not serious about. But let’s get real, neither are most of the people who ask for nutrition advice. Food is fuel for our bodies. Try to fill a car up with garbage and see how efficiently it runs, our bodies are just like that car. If we don’t put the proper nutrition into our bodies, we will eventually feel the effects of this, either from weight gain or more serious health complications such as diabetes, heart attacks or even some forms of cancer. Proper nutrition and regular vegetable and protein intake is very important when embarking on a weight loss journey. A good balance between all foods that are whole and lean. Carbohydrates are even ok! We need to learn to choose ingredients that are fresh when cooking or preparing our meals and we need to know which foods, groceries isles and ingredients to avoid. Educate yourself. Do research on the internet, read books. Download apps. Ask for guidance from a professional. Education is key, then adherence. Once you change over to healthier versions of what you were eating, you will never miss the old bad food. Or the old overweight sluggish version of yourself. Bon appetite

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