
Male drinking water

Drink Water to Lower Blood Sugar

Those with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes have challenges managing their blood sugar.

They either must take insulin or medication and many look to natural ways to reduce their glucose levels.

There is one easy way to help manage diabetes.

Drink lots of water.

Drinking water isn’t a new idea for those with diabetes.

Many times, the constant feeling of thirst or dehydration is one of the first signs of the disease.

However, many may not know just how valuable water can be to controlling their blood sugar.

Water can often be the one thing that keeps your blood sugar levels within acceptable ranges.

Several observational studies revealed that those who drank a lot of water lowered their risk of developing
diabetes or raised blood sugars.

There are several reasons why drinking water lowers diabetes risk.

Water Rehydrates Blood

Water helps blood flow better.

It flushes it out and, in a sense, dilutes blood sugars.

That reduces glucose levels and lowers the risk of diabetes.

Water Helps Kidneys

Water helps flush out any extra sugar from the kidneys and pushes it out through urine.

That means it doesn’t get into the blood to cause problems.

All in all, water helps the kidneys work better.

Water Prevents Dehydration

Dehydration exacerbates diabetes symptoms.

Water prevents this from happening.

It is like putting oil in your car.

It helps everything flow well.

Other Drinks

Even though water is the best drink a diabetic can have, there isn’t harm in drinking other types of drinks.

However, diabetics should avoid all sugar-sweetened choices.

Those drinks can cause havoc on your body including raising your blood sugar and increasing your weight.

Sugary drinks can also include some fruit juices as sugar may be added.

Even natural fruit juices can increase blood sugar, just as some fruits aren’t good for diabetics to eat because of the natural sugar in them.

The best choices are zero-calorie drinks.

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