
6 Little-Known Health Benefits of Ginger

The health benefits of ginger have been known since ancient times, making it a popular addition to both cooking and medicine chests. From flavor and nausea to stomach paint and inflammation, ginger—in all its forms (e.g., fresh, dried, supplements)—should be a staple in your kitchen. 

Although ginger doesn’t provide many vitamins or minerals, it does contain antioxidants and only 4 calories per 2 teaspoons. Knowing it won’t add to your waistline, ginger is a worthy addition to your spice rack (or refrigerator) for its potential benefits.

  1. Anti-nausea

In addition to helping pregnant women with nausea, ginger has been found to help increase appetite after chemotherapy.

  1. Reducing cold and flu symptoms

Although most evidence is anecdotal, a few small studies have found that fresh ginger may help protect the respiratory system. 

  1. Anti-inflammation

A review of 16 clinical trials found that ginger may fight inflammation due to its phytochemical properties.

  1. Improved digestion and reduced gas

Some studies have found that ginger appears to break up and expel the gasses in the intestinal tract, providing relief from pain and pressure. It may also improve movement in the digestive tract to help alleviate or prevent constipation. In addition, ginger may improve pancreatic lipase and trypsin, two enzymes that are important for good digestion.

  1. Pain relief

A small study found that pain before or during menstruation was helped by taking ginger. In addition, a study of 74 volunteers found that eating heated ginger (2 grams per day) decreased exercise-induced muscle pain by around 25%.

  1. Anti-cancer benefits

Because ginger appears to reduce oxidative stress from the build-up of free radicals, it may help lower your cancer risk. In a study of volunteers with a high risk of developing colorectal cancer, consuming 2 grams of placebo for 28 days reduced cellular proliferation and reduced the number of negative changes in healthy colon tissue.

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