Lifestyle Dating

Top Turn Off for Women Guys if You Do This You will Never Get a Second Date

One of my male clients went out for a date with a lady. From his side of the story, the date was a success. As he gave her a goodbye kiss, he could bet with his life that the encounter was a beginning of a meaningful relationship.

Meanwhile, on his date’s standpoint, the experience was not mutual. The lady was apparently having a time of her life until she told the guy of what a wonderful time she was having. Everything changed afterward as he started insisting to get a kiss, to the chagrin of the lady. The guy was persistent and only a promise for a future kiss hushed his pleas to the relief of the lady.

Perhaps, the matter was closed until she turned to give him a kiss on the cheek as he saw her off in her cab, only to be grabbed, a tongue thrust down her air pipe triggering a chill down her spine and eroded her otherwise good date.

Thinking that the worst is over and on her way home, her phone beeps with a text message from the man seemingly confirming how their time was great. She only replied with an “OK”. Future date prospects with the guy are on the limbo.

The case is relevant to how gentlemen interact with ladies on dates. Most have a challenge of remaining calm and suppressing their urges which is not attractive to any woman. Men should understand that shelving the kisses for the future builds a romantic tension according to a lady’s brain.

All being said, there are some cues to consider before, as a guy, to correctly interpret the “kinky signals”.

1. Consider What She Means Rather than What She Says

From their childhood, girls avoid hurting people’s feelings by using indirect speech. If you choose to decode her words, you will realize that her speech is heavily understated and the allusions might mean what you don’t want to hear.

For instance, a lady may say, “you are naughty,” instead of saying “get your hands off my chest.” This simply means “stop!”

2. Red Her Non-Verbal Cues

On a date, a woman can pull away when you draw near. This means “no!” She may sit back as opposed to leaning forward towards you. This should mean that you are not doing the right thing and you should immediately change tact.

3. Understand that her Subtle Flirting isn’t an invitation to Smooch

The lady may have a perception that flirting with guys is a way of inviting sexual advances, she may then choose to limit her compliments in order to have you showcase your good side. However, she may lose her defenses and drop a line or two. This should not be the green light to thrust your hand into her dress but a sign to open up more and get her to know you.

Th bottom line is simple and clear; it is better you leave her guessing than leave her wishing she never showed up.

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