In the very modern world of 2021, sometimes like line gets blurred when thinking about men and dating and how they should prepare for and act on a date. Things have come a long way since the 1950’s when you pulled up to the door to pick up your date, but there are still some vestiges of the past that could help you make a favorable impression on your date.
1. Call to double check date.
For a first time date, it is recommended that you meet your date at the location itself. Calling beforehand to double check the time and place is a polite gesture that will definitely be appreciated.
2. Have a location and plan in mind.
Although it is nice to give your date a say in the matter, it is even better for a first date that you have a solid idea in mind to avoid the hemming and hawing and “I don’t care, what do you want?”
3. Bring back the “old-fashioned” manners.
Even in today’s modern world, your date will be enthralled if you exhibit good old-fashioned manners, open the door, pull out the chair, and the like.
4. Turn your phone off.
It goes without saying, but it still needs to be said. By turning off your phone, you are telling your date that nothing is more important than getting to know you.
5. Go for fun.
The first few dates should not be heavy. Go for lighthearted and fun. Leave the conversations about exes and all the baggage behind.
6. Look your best.
Sometimes in the modern world people get a little casual about their dress, but it is important that you still take pride in your appearance. Although many dates will not judge the book by its cover, you still want to be presentable.
The advice is yours for the taking. If you want to make it to a second or third date, follow the 6 tips above and put your best foot forward!