Lifestyle Relationships

The Toll COVID-19 Could Have on Relationships

How will COVID-19 affect your relationship? With stay-at-home orders effective in many states, couples are now facing a new normal. The usual routine of going to work and seeing each other at night and on the weekends has disappeared as most people work from home and can’t go out to socialize.

So, what does all of this mean for relationships? A new survey answers this very question.

  • Optimism is fading

A new survey looked at the mental state of couples in a relationship during COVID-19. The results show optimism is starting to fade.

“When quarantine first started couples who were living together whether they were married or dating they actually had a positive view on the experience but over the last two weeks,” Survey administrator and CEO Kaben Clauson and with True Public said.

“Now, we’ve seen that number deteriorate by 20%. A new 20 percent of people are saying, ‘I’m seeing strains in my relationship with my significant other’ and that trend line’s even getting worse.”

  • Divorce rates will climb

Fifty-seven percent of people believe divorce rates will climb during this time, according to the survey. For some, quarantine quarrels will only exemplify existing problems in a relationship, which could encourage some to call it quits.

  • People will break the rules for love

For couples who don’t live together, 43% say they’ve broken quarantine to go and see their partner. The people willing to break the rules are predominately younger, according to the survey, who believe staying apart is either too hard or not necessary.

  • Increased drinking

Between the stress and the lack of socializing, drinking rates are climbing. About 29% of people in the survey say they’re drinking more, with 7% admitting to a significant increase in drinking.

COVID-19 will impact relationships and many will have to adjust to a new normal. While the survey highlights some daunting statistics, experts say relationships are resilient and people can – and will – adapt.

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