Lifestyle Relationships

The Five Different Love Languages Why does my partner need more intimacy than me?


Are you aware that there are different love languages? Does your partner crave physical touch, while you may need words of confirmation? The five love languages are five very different ways of giving love and also receiving love. These five other languages are words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, and physical touch. Are you and your partner not understanding each other or feeling distant? 

Maybe this read will help you know why. 

Words of Affirmation

Does your partner thrive off when you compliment them? Or maybe they start feeling down if you are not telling them you love them frequently? Your partner’s love language could be words of affirmation! When your love language is words of affirmation, you thrive off of being told “I love you" or compliments throughout your day. 

Quality Time

For people who are the most comfortable and happy when spending time with their partner, whether that is having a date night or just hanging out at home, their love language might be quality time. This person thrives off spending time with their loved ones and is the most content with the simple idea of just being around their partner. 

Receiving Gifts 

If your partner sees that you love them and appreciate them when you give them gifts, their love language will probably receive gifts. This person sees you going to pick out the perfect gift for them as an act of love and kindness, and this person believes that they are loved when someone puts that effort into them. It is not at all about the money, but the gesture. This person feels loved whether the gift is a night out to the local steakhouse and a bottle of wine, or a candy bar from the gas station.

Acts Of Service

When you do something as simple as taking out the trash or doing the dishes, does your partner light up? 

Then it must be very likely that your partner’s love language is acts of service. Acts of kindness mean that you are doing something to make your partner’s life easier. When they have had a stressful day, something as small as taking out the trash could turn their whole mood right around. 

Physical Touch

If your partner starts to feel drawn away if you haven’t had some private time in a while, it might be because their love language is physical touch. This person needs to be physical to feel loved. Physical touch and intimacy are extremely important to them, and they need it to feel close to their partner.

So, why does this all matter?

For you to have a successful, healthy relationship with your partner, it is essential to know which language they relate to the most. Communication is vital, and without knowing this information, you may be unintentionally hurting your partner or causing unnecessary strain on your relationship.

Once you understand the different love languages and how they operate, you can start working on paying more attention to how you act in your relationship. Feeling loved in your relationship is important to ensure the relationship continues to prosper and grow, and people feel loved in many different ways. Knowing your partner’s love language could be a game-changer in your overall happiness.

This could be the reason why your partner may need more physical touch than you.
Every person is unique and different in their ideas of how love is shown and given. My husband’s love language is a physical touch in my personal life, while mine is acts of service. Knowing this information has helped us understand each other more deeply and keeps us aware of why one may feel a little down.

Want to know your love language?
You can click the link below to take a free quiz to help you understand your love language.

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