Men often wonder why they can’t get women interested in them. After all, they are fairly attractive, smart, good guys, and have a job. Many wonder what is preventing them from attracting women. It seems some guys have all the luck.
Why the Attraction?
Women talk about wanting a sensitive guy who likes art, and that may be true for some, but the truth is more women are attracted to men who resemble alpha males than society is ready to admit.
Good build
It’s not that women want a Mr. Universe but they are more attracted to men who have a firmer body. This isn’t so much of a lust factor as it is an anthropology conclusion.
Men Who Provide Dinner
Another deep-rooted scientific finding that goes back to prehistoric times is that women like men who share food with them. Women like men who can provide basic needs.
Grow Some Whiskers
The fascination with beards dramatically increased when the men of the television show Duck Dynasty sported them. However, beards that are too long are a turnoff.
Be Funny
The quickest way to a woman’s heart is with laughter. A good job puts a woman off guard and allows her to lower her defenses long enough to give a guy a chance.
Play an Instrument
There isn’t a rationale for this, but studies show that men who carry around a guitar have a better shot at getting the girl. The idea is that men who play an instrument are more romantic.
Smell Manly
There isn’t a scientific study on this but a survey of 2,000 people shows that women are most attracted to things like leather, printer ink, paint, and gasoline.
Men who want to uptick their dating possibilities can make a few changes in their lives to make them most attractive to women. None of these attraction markers are unachievable. Any man can make himself more attractive!