Lifestyle Relationships

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4 Tips for a Drama Free Date Night

Was your last date night a bust? Did you end up fighting or ignoring each other due to some drama that erupted over something you said? 

Date nights are important for you to discover new things about your partner and for you to grow close. You can have drama free date nights by knowing how to react to specific situations. 

Relationship experts were asked the best tips for drama free dates. Read on to find the ones that work for you.

1. Control your pride

“You don’t need to be right. When drama finds its way into your supposedly fun date night, keep in mind that you don’t need to be right. Sometimes, our pride gets in the way and we want to explain ourselves to show that we’re right,” explained Sam Whittaker Editor-In-Chief at Mantelligence

“However, in situations like this, it’s more important to save the relationship than to be right. Don’t argue,” he stressed.

2. Share the planning

Founder of, Sonya Schwartz, discussed the importance of each partner planning a date night.

“Take turns planning. This will help you ensure that the pressure is not only on one person. This will also help ensure that every date night will be different from the others.”

3. Hug it out

Michelle Devani, relationship expert since 2003 and founder of, divulged this great tip. 

“When drama erupts, hug her. Hugging brings positive emotions that will make your girl shut up and feel loved.”
 “Sometimes they make drama to get attention, and embracing them will make them feel loved. It is also your way of saying “please stop, let’s enjoy!” 

4. Move on 

Move on if the two of you don’t connect. Kevin Darné, author of Online Dating Avoid The Catfish!:How To Date Online Successfully advises, “If you sense a pattern whereby you are always walking on eggshells or constantly jumping through hoops you may be with the wrong person.” 

“There is no amount of communication or work which can overcome being with someone who does not want what you want,” he emphasized. 

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