Lifestyle Relationships

20 Ways to Romance Your Partner

Does it feel like romance is dead? It doesn’t have to be! It’s up to you to romance your partner, even when it’s not going to lead to sex. Here are 20 ways to romance your wife or girlfriend that don’t take a ton of time, money or energy.

1. Make or buy her a card for no particular occasion. Don’t wait for Mother’s Day or your anniversary. Just use the opportunity to tell her how much you love her and what a great wife and/or mother she is.

2. Bring her coffee in bed. Get up extra early to bring it to her before she goes to work or take it to her on the weekend with a muffin.

3. Put a note in her purse or briefcase. It can be serious or funny. You could even draw a silly picture. Let her find it when she’s at work or the next time she opens her wallet.

4. Start her car for her when it’s cold. Nobody likes getting into a cold car!

5. Go to a movie SHE wants to see. Take one for the team.

6. Let her sleep late while you take care of the pets or kids. It’s a true luxury for moms.

7. Give her a foot rub—no strings attached. A back rub works too.

8. Clean out her car and take it through the car wash. If you have kids, she probably has food crumbs and wrappers in her car. Yes, you need to take out the car seat to vacuum. That’s probably where most of the crumbs are.

9. Fix or replace something that’s been driving her crazy. She’s tired of nagging you about the leaky faucet, the broken closet door or the drafty window in her office.

10. Do the chore she hates most: vacuum, clean the bathroom or dust. You’re not helping her; it’s your house too. She just chooses to clean more than you do. Carry your load.

11. Meet her for lunch. Pack a picnic or surprise her and take her to her favorite bistro.

12. Send a non-sexual photo of yourself. Make a silly face, hold up a sign that says “I love you” or send a photo of you kissing her photo on your desk.

13. Kiss her when you part or when you reunite. It’s a small gesture to keep you connected.

14. Let her hear you boasting about her to someone. Tell her best friend that you think your wife is brilliant. Tell your neighbor that you love your wife’s cooking.

15. Write her a poem or a song. It doesn’t have to be seriously romantic; it could be funny.

16. Tell her when she looks beautiful. Everyone likes to hear that they look attractive.

17. Designate a technology-free night to spend time with her. At the very least, set a couple hours aside to enjoy being together without technology. Read in bed together, talk or play a game.

18. Run her a bath. Yes, you may need to clean the tub first.

19. Put the kids to bed. Read the kids a bedtime story and get them tucked in so she can just relax.

20. Frame a photo of the two of you. Keep one for yourself and give one to her.

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