Lifestyle Fashion

Yellow swim trunks

Take a Chance on Fun Swim Trunks

Men can be a bit boring when it comes to swimwear.

They don’t want to come off as cheesy or wearing something inappropriate for their age or body shape.

However, there is nothing in the fashion rules that say men’s swim trunks can’t be fun.

There are three styles up from grabs in the summer of 2022 that denote both masculinity and fun.

The best part is these styles can be worn by virtually any man of any age or body type.

The Secret

One of the unspoken secrets of wearing men’s swim trunks well is to go longer than shorter.

Young, athletic guys look good in short trunks just like 18-year-old girls look great in bikinis.

Time changes things. Men, ages 25 and up, need to look to mid-thigh to knee-length trunks depending on your body shape and taste.

Hunting-Military Look

Ever since the television show Duck Dynasty hit fame, camouflage and all things hunting has been in vogue.

Granted, it also denotes a certain military appeal too so it’s a tribute to courage.

Camouflage trunks are the “in” thing.

These manly trunks wear well and definitely are no-nonsense in attracting attention.

Stripes-Nautical Look

Men may question wearing stripes on trunks but the right size stripe in the right color and going in a good
direction can make you look like a rich, yacht sailor.

Here are a couple of tips on stripes:

  • The larger the man, the wider the stripe. Younger, thinner men should go with smaller stripes.
  • Vertical stripes make you look taller and thinner while horizontal stripes make you look wider and bulkier.
  • Stick to manly colors like blues and natural colors like green, orange and browns.

Hawaiian Trunks

Hawaiian shorts have floral prints and some can be in more pastel colors.

However, the trunk style and length make this style as popular as it is manly.

It’s a great choice for being active.

Hawaiian men wear these types of trunks all the time and this style will help you send out a party vibe for summer.

Final Thoughts

There is plenty of room in men’s fashion for a great swim trunk so don’t settle for boring.

Use your swimwear to showcase your personality and draw some beachside attention!

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