Lifestyle Fashion

Men’s Summer Fashion Trends to Avoid

Sometimes, fashion trends can be fun. A pop of Pantene’s Color of the Year on your socks can be playful if balanced with an otherwise traditional pair of dress slacks. A trendy sling bag with a pair of khakis and a dress shirt can help polish an otherwise boring look.

But other times, men’s fashion trends need to be avoided completely. No amount of traditional suits or tailored coats can balance the oddities of over-the-top fashion. Here are some of the trends you might see in 2019 that we encourage you to run away from.

1. Faux Denim Water Briefs

Unless you have an athlete’s body, you should probably avoid anything Speedo-like anyway, but this denim version might even be too much for Michael Phelps to pull off. Although it’s a faux jeans design (not made from actual denim), we’re still guessing the comfort level maxes out at around zero.

2. Short Shorts

The fact that a designer refers to this fashion disaster as “miniskirts for men,” should give you pause. They may have worked for Tom Selleck on “Magnum P.I.,” but do you really want to try a trend that peaked in the ‘80s?

3. Overalls

Caught somewhere between farmer and early ‘90s rapper, overalls don’t lend the formality needed for most work environments. While you might be able to pull off this fashion trend on the weekend, it’s such a memorable wardrobe piece that you’d have a hard time wearing it more than once or twice a season.

4. Suit Jackets Without a Shirt

We’re not sure who started the trend of wearing suit jackets without a shirt, but we can only assume it was a dude with great pecs and abs. After all, most of us can’t even pull off a fitted shirt, let alone an outfit that purposely draws attention to our shirtless chest. Just wear a shirt with your suit. Hopefully, this style isn’t sticking around for long.

5. Ripped Jeans

Your parents may never understand why someone would pay good money for a pair of pre-ripped jeans, but don’t bother trying to argue with them because you probably shouldn’t be wearing them anyway. Spend the money on a nice-fitting pair—with no rips!—that works as well for a day in the office as it does for a night on the town.

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