Lifestyle Fashion

Male dressed in suit and tie

How to Dress Appropriately for a Job Interview

You probably heard that dressing up for the job you want is essential, especially during the final step to getting into a company, the job interview.

If that is the case, this article will show you exactly what it means and what you should wear to gain an edge to land the job you want. 

How does dressing up affect the outcome of an interview?

Without asking any questions, most interviewers will definitely judge you just by looking at you.

Even if you are qualified for the job and it seems to look like you are the perfect fit, the way you dress can be a deal-breaker. 

So how should I dress for an interview?

First of all, first impressions do last. But you don’t want to show up at an interview being under or overdressed. 

Whether you are trying to land a desk job or manual labor, you need to know the difference between interview attire and business casual

The proper interview attire for a desk job is a well-ironed shirt, slacks, and nice dress shoes.

And if you are applying for a retail position at a store at the mall or a position at a warehouse, you can probably dress more casually.

No matter what you wear, you need to make sure that your attire suits you perfectly. 

Tips for Dressing Up During Interviews:

  • Do not wear shorts
  • Sportcoats always make a good addition
  • The best shoes are loafers and clean deck shoes, but not dirty sneakers or sandals
  • Don’t wear a t-shirt; a collared polo shirt would be fine
  • Make sure the clothes are ironed and fit you well; otherwise, it would look like you did not prepare for the interview
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