Lifestyle Fashion

Male grabbing neck tie

Are Neckties Out of the Fashion Picture?

The necktie is surprisingly a controversial topic among men.

Most men don’t like wearing them but some feel it is important to give that professional image anyway.

Even style experts disagree with some saying the necktie is fading from fashion while others claim it is more important than ever.

According to a 2020 Gallup poll, 67 percent of men aren’t wearing neckties at work.

That’s because many workplaces have made every day a casual Friday. 

Some men say the casual trend has gone too far with people failing to dress up at even formal events like weddings. 

Ties, and suits, generally are associated with wealthier men.

Formality is also associated with more education, along with power and wealth.

It’s a quandary of the wishes of the American male versus public opinion.

What are you to do about the tie?

Men will have to figure out how and if a necktie fits into their lives, or at least when it becomes appropriate.

Here are some facts:

Women Love Men in Neckties.

As stated, neckties denote status and power. It states you have a good job. Women are attracted to that.

Even if you are a construction worker, dressing up on occasion lets women know your well runs deeper.

A survey of 400 women found that women are attracted by a perceived social status.

It’s a perception and dressing for the place you want to set off high-society vibes that bring women to you. 

Another older study also shows that women are more receptive to men who wear a tie on a date. 

A Necktie Shows Confidence

It takes some skill to wear a necktie without even noticing it.

Wearing a bold one shows you have style and aren’t afraid to use it. 

Neckties Make You Look Professional

Looking professional may be in the eyes of the beholder and largely depends on the type of work you’re in but there are times when a tie will be advantageous for you. 

One of the most important aspects of wearing a necktie is to make sure you are wearing one in the current style.

Necktie fashion changed dramatically over the years so pulling out one from 20 to 30 years ago will never work.

Pick out a couple of nice, upscale ties to have on hand for special occasions and work functions.

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