Lifestyle Fashion

4 Summer Fashion Mistakes Men Are Making

Whether you’re into fashion or not, it’s always good to know what the current trends are. This summer’s trends are unique, and the truth is, many, many men are breaking a few fashion rules.

As the mercury rises, here are four fashion mistakes you need to stop doing now:

  1. Walking around with crunchy hair

If you’re gobbing a ridiculous amount of product in your hair to tame it, stop. The trend this summer is more natural, free-flowing hair. That doesn’t mean you have to skip the products altogether, it just means you need to find ones that don’t give you the crunchy, overdone look. Opt for a hair balm or clay rather than gel, for example.

  1. Wearing jeans

Jeans? Seriously, jeans are a fashion faux pas? This summer, yes. Let’s face it, jeans are old, tired, and frankly, they’re hot as hell. Rather than keep your legs baking inside a denim sauna, opt for cooler linen pants.

You don’t have to eliminate your jeans, but at least add a pair or two of lighter, breathable pants to shake up your look.

  1. Wearing socks with Crocs or sandals

Ok, this fashion problem has existed for a very, very long time, but we’re going to say it again – you don’t wear socks with sandals or Crocs. And the type of sock doesn’t matter either. Whether you add small ankle socks or larger tube socks – they don’t belong with summer shoes.

  1. Sporting a ball cap

A ball cap is a staple in a man’s wardrobe, but this summer, put it on a shelf. You can break it out if you need to support your favorite team, but other than that try to separate yourself from it this summer.

Try replacing your ball cap with a classic hat like a fedora or a Panama hat.

This summer’s fashions force men to stop relying on their staples like jeans and a ball cap and try something new. Are you up for the challenge? What will you add to your wardrobe this summer?

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