Some people want to be honest with a potential dating partner.
While their intentions are good, there is something to be said for not revealing everything too soon.
After all, you can enjoy a wonderful gourmet meal without asking the chef for a list of ingredients.
You can enjoy a new relationship without knowing everything.
Even though there are certain things you feel you need to reveal, many times it’s best to wait until the
relationship moves along a little further before you spill your past.
However, don’t wait too long. It’s a gentle balance.
No one should reveal all the heavy stuff during the first couple of dates.
That is a turn-off and most people haven’t decided how they feel about the other person yet.
The time to start leaning toward those topics would be as you become more steady but before you take the “next step.”
They could feel cheated if they found out negative, heavy details after you become serious.
Some of what you reveal could determine whether or not they remain in the relationship so it should be
offered before it reaches that level of intimacy.
What You Should Reveal
There are a few things you should tell a potential romantic partner so they understand you better and know what issues could lie ahead.
Here are a few:
- Your current health
- Cheating
- Your financial situation
- Past traumatic events
- What ended your last relationship
- Family issues
- Whether you have children, even if they don’t live with you
- Whether you’ve been married before
- Any criminal convictions or jail time
The common thread in these revelations is they are things that could impact your future together.
No one wants to find out about a child that was adopted out when they show up at your door or about a past crime when a legal document arrives.
Similarly, understanding a past event and how it affects you now will help your partner relate better to you.
Unwrapping this information is a slow process and you will find out exactly what your potential partner is made of when you reveal it.
Then, you will know if you two have a future.