Lifestyle Dating

Older couple dancing

Tips for Dating Over 50

A growing number of middle-aged and early seniors are single.

That’s a fact. Census data shows that more than 25% of those between 45 and 59 years old are single.

It doesn’t stop there. Single seniors over 65 years old total around 19.5 million.

A Huge Problem

The biggest thing holding middle-age and senior daters back is they can’t remember how to date, according to Dr. Jaime Kulaga, PhD., a life coach and mental health counselor.

For most in that age group, it’s been 10 to 30 years since they’ve dated. It’s a skill that loses its edge without practice.

Plus, dating has changed a lot over the past couple of decades.

You once would meet your love interest in church.

You knew the family. There were group dates.

Now, it’s dating websites, casual meetings, and criminal background checks.

Kulaga said there are at least 50 things you could do to improve your dating life but these top three are key.

Don’t Take It Personally

You are going to face some rejection.

Social media apps introduce you to a lot of people but make it easy to reject someone.

It isn’t a reflection on you. It’s a numbers game.

Look At Age Differently

People go through a lot of changes when they are younger.

Your life milestones happen fast from 20 to 40 so you wouldn’t think of dating someone 10 or 20 years older or younger.

There just isn’t anything in common.

That changes when you are in your 50s and older.

A 45-year-old may have a good bit in common with a 65-year old, depending on their lifestyles.

This makes for a good reason to expand your age requirements for dating.

Embrace Your Age and Life

Being older doesn’t mean you aren’t attractive and sexy.

Don’t try to hide your age or your life.

Everything you’ve experienced has made you what you are.

There’s a lot to learn from it.


Your choices for dating aren’t limited because you’re older.

The reality is they expanded. There isn’t pressure to marry, have children or set up a home.

The biological clock isn’t ticking.

Dating can be purely for fun and to find a person you enjoy.

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