Lifestyle Dating

Female on dating app

The Pros and Cons of Using Dating Apps

Dating apps may be all the rage these days, but it has their fair share of advantages and disadvantages.

However, this is also true in dating in real life or when meeting someone new in person.

With that being said, it is up to you how you handle online dating.

But before you dive in, here are a couple of things you might need to know.

Pros of Dating Apps

Statistics show that many Americans use online dating apps

With over 36% of Americans using dating apps every single day, you are more likely to meet and match with someone you will like.

Well, minus the people who lie on their dating apps just to get a date.

You will be likely to match with someone with the same interests as you

Unlike meeting a person at a bar, mall, school, or library, it is more likely to meet someone that shares the same interests as you on dating apps.

Because they have an algorithm for meeting matches, they align the people with the same hobbies and interests.

Plus, you get to meet people who live nearby.

If you are having trouble meeting someone new in your city because you have been on so many dates, and probably even been on the same blind date twice, using a dating app will make sure you meet someone new.

Six out of ten Americans say that they had a good experience with online dating.

And a small number of them even ended up getting married.

Cons of Dating Apps

People lie.

Yes, people lie on their online profiles, so you have to be cautious when meeting someone online.

Without meeting someone in person, it is harder to evaluate their true personality.

So before diving deep into a relationship with someone you just met online, our advice is to go on a couple of dates first.

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