Lifestyle Dating

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How Can I Tell if Someone is into Me?

Do you like someone but you can’t tell for sure if they like you back? Well, that is a problem for most men.

The fear of rejection can be tough, but all it takes is a leap of faith to tell someone how you feel.

However, it doesn’t always have to be that way.

You can look for the signs of attraction to at least get an idea if a person is into you or not.

Here are signs to determine whether someone is into you or not:


According to an article by doctor of psychology, Jack Schafer, people tend to lean toward the person they like.

As the person leans closer, the rapport also increases.

The most powerful indicator that someone likes you is proximity.

When you like someone, you always want to be close to them even if you are together with a big group, right?

They get nervous around you

Research states that anxiety correlates with attraction, so if someone is being nervous around you, it could
indicate that they like you.

When a person blushes or sweats more than usual when they see you, it is an emotional trigger that causes glands to release adrenaline in their body.

They remember every small detail

If someone you know or have talked to in the past remembers small details about you despite not talking or seeing each other often, it could be a sign that they like you.

Let’s say you went out on a first date with someone and you mentioned a couple of things about yourself.

If they somehow remember small details on the second date, the person may be more into you than you expected.

Other things that could indicate that someone likes you are:

  • They always make an effort to find things to talk about
  • They are curious about you
  • They always find time to see you
  • Their body point towards you

By knowing this, you could transform your friendships into serious relationships and find a partner for life.

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