Those in the dating scene may not realize they are doing certain things on a first date that is turning the other person off.
No, there will not be a second date.
Fortunately, these things can be easily corrected once you identify them.
Here are four things that turn people off on the first date.
Bad Table Manners
It’s not that you must have the politeness of those living at Downton Abbey but you should not eat like it’s your last meal either.
Sloppy eating, loud drinking, chewing with your mouth open are all big no-nos.
Women don’t have to opt for salads.
Most men know we don’t eat salads all the time and some will appreciate a woman who can take on a steak.
Even so, don’t scrape every last morsel from your plate.
Don’t sop up sauce with your bread.
Your date may think he can’t afford to feed you for a lifetime.
Don’t Criticize
No one likes negative, critical people.
Criticizing your date’s clothes, the server’s hair, the other diner’s weight all show that you aren’t happy with yourself.
Also, don’t gossip.
Most people are turned off by gossip because it shows that you’re judgmental and quick to assume things not actually fact.
Don’t Hog the Conversation
Some people will talk endlessly about their successful career, their hobby, their family, and anything else they deem important.
That’s too much information for a first date.
Also, the other person would like to feel like you are interested in learning about them.
Communication is a two-way street.
About People Ordering Expensive Things
This may not be a negative if you’re paying for the meal.
It shows you want to impress. However, if you’re the recipient or if you’re paying separately, keep the tab modest.
You don’t know how much the other party is willing to pay or can pay.
You also don’t want to outshine them if you’re paying separately.
That’s rude.
Final Thoughts
Consideration is the priority here.
You want the other person to feel comfortable.
That will ensure a second date.