Lifestyle Dating

Dating Tips to Make 2021 Your Year to Find That Special Someone

If you watched the ball drop on New Year’s Eve and didn’t have anyone to kiss, then 2021 can be the year that you find the perfect date! Although dating in a pandemic is challenging, there are some tips to make it easier and help you find a great mate!

Be Yourself

Although the first tip is obvious, it bears repeating. If you are who you are, then people who like you for you will be attracted, and that is the kind of mate you would like anyway. If you go where you like to go, you will find like-minded people there. For instance, if you like to hike, going to a hiking trail is a great place to meet someone else who likes to hike.

Drop Preconceived Notions

Sometimes we get ideas in our head without even realizing it, and they hold us back from possible companionship. If you have the notion that a mate has to look a certain way, or have a certain degree, or practice a certain religion, you may be missing out on a whole set of people that would be wonderful companions just because they don’t check a certain box. Drop your preconceived ideas and open up the world around you.

Look for Magic in Unexpected Places

Magic happens when you least expect it. You might be at the gym or the grocery store, but you still might meet the person of your dreams. Keep your eyes open and you never know what you might find. These places include work, the library, public transportation, or even a friends’ house!

Let a Bot Pick your Beau

When all else fails, try Tinder or another dating app. A study from Stanford University found that almost 40% of current heterosexual couples in the United States met online, and the number is even higher in the LGBTQ+ community. Especially in the time of a pandemic, this really can be a great way to meet people. 

Finding a girlfriend or boyfriend is not always easy, but if you keep your eyes open and always be who you are, the chances are better that you will find someone compatible with you.

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